Eye Cataract Surgery & Treatments

Cataract Surgery with Destination Medical

Cataract Surgery with Destination Medical can help you improve your vision and restore the function of your eyes. Our team is composed of qualified and experienced doctors and surgeons who specialize in cataract surgery. We provide specialized eye care services including screening, diagnosis, treatment, continuing care, and follow-up support, ensuring that our patients get the best care possible. Our surgical procedure uses a state-of-the-art Femtosecond laser system to provide accurate results while reducing risks. We make it our priority to ensure you have a safe and comfortable experience throughout your treatment.

Cataract Surgery
Cancer patient sitting at a table with a someone holding hands.

 With Destination Medical, allow us to take the journey with you in restoring your vision.

Laser Cataract Surgery in Mexico

Laser Eye Surgery

Cataract Surgery Recovery

Cataract Treatment

What you need to know
  • Consultation
    During the consultation, you will learn about the latest advancements in cataract technology, such as advanced lens implants that can improve distance vision, and reading vision and even reduce your dependence on glasses or contacts.
  • Monitored Every Step of the Way
    From start to finish, you’ll be closely monitored for any potential complications along the way.
  • Recovery Time
    You’ll be able to enjoy improved vision clarity with a simple 10-15 minute procedure
Clean and Sanitary Hospital Room
Hospital Médica MIA
medical care services
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